Currency and exchange rates
- The name of our currency is colones (₡) , named after Cristobal Colón (Christopher Columbus). Colone bills are very colorful and beautiful, organized by size from smallest to largest based on value, and represent our fauna and flora on one side and famous persons on the other. Colone bills are referred to as “mils”, for example a 5,000 colone bill is referred to as “5mil”.
- The exchange rate varies daily, use this link to determine the current rate (found in the upper right hand of the site).
- $1 US converts to a range of 540 – 585 recently. You can also download an app to help you do the conversions.
- The most expensive place to exchange money is at the Airport, so only exchange enough to pay for the tolls ($5-$10), or for your taxi to your destination. The best place to exchange money is at the bank. The 15th and 30th , Mondays and Fridays are the busiest. Try to go the the bank before it opens, wait in line and get in early to avoid crowds and long lines.