What is the weather like in Dominical, Uvita and Ojochal?
- Temperatures and rainfall varies greatly in different regions of Costa Rica due to micro climates and changes in elevation.
- Locally, our driest / hottest part of the year is December - March with temps ranging from low's in the 70's and highs around 85-90 degrees .
- It is hotter at the beaches, cooler by about 10-15 degrees at our higher elevations 10-15 minutes drive up the mountains.
- Afternoon rains start usually in April or May, and we get increasingly more rain for longer periods, with the most rainfall occurring normally in October.
- Check out current local weather in Uvita at http://www.accuweather.com/en/cr/uvita/114691/weather-forecast/114691
- Sunset/sunrise/weather/time zone/sun and moon phase info can be found at https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/costa-rica